1 9 9 4       c h a r l y    s t e i g e r

i n s t a l l a t i o n e n

f i l m / v i d e o

p u b l i k a t i o n e n

l e h r v e r a n s t a l t u n g e n / v o r t r ä g e

S L O W    S H I F T S
permanent, Behördenzentrum, Frankfurt/Main (BRD) 3 | 1 Forum Affentorhaus, Frankfurt, in: »Netzwerk Kultur«, Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt/Main (BRD)

Video-Installation, Ars Electronica, Linz (A)

I N    M I N D
»Brücke - System & Metapher«, Curtin University of Technology, School of Architecture, Perth (W. Australia)

Curtin University of Technology, School of Architecture, Perth (W. Australia)

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